Shipping & Returns Policy

Shipping Policy:

Unless otherwise noted as a pre-order purchase, all books will be delivered within 3-5 business days after purchase. (Minus shipping delays resulting from delivery companies.) Books are shipped out within 1-2 business days from date of purchase.


If you purchase a pre-order book, your book will ship within 1-2 business days of the official publication of the book.

Returns Policy:

Books can be returned within 7 business days after confirmation of delivery for a full refund. Books must be in the same “new” condition as shipped. Books returned within a 30 day window from date of delivery will be eligible for store credit for the same purchase price of the book. Again, book must be in “new” condition as delivered.

Customer will be responsible for shipping costs of book returns.

Books will not be accepted for a refund or store credit if return attempts are made after the 30 day period.


If books are delivered significantly damaged, we must be notified within 7 business days in order to ship a replacement copy. Any reports of damages after this 7 day period will not be accepted for an exchange/refund.

Amazon Shipping

If we do not have a book title in stock at our Tennessee warehouse, you will receive your book through our business drop-shipping program with Amazon. So long as you directly make your purchase through Quill Press, even if it is delivered with our Amazon program, your purchase still contributes $1 towards our conservation efforts.

For questions or concerns, please reach out to us at