Our Pledge

It takes one tree to print on average 20-40 books. Now imagine if we were able to plant or protect a tree from every single book sale. We would save more trees than books printed in the United States.

But we can’t do this without you. Profit margins on books are LOW - sometimes as low as .50 cents to $1 - so why are we doing this? Because books and our wild habitats are an absolute passion of ours to protect and cherish. Books provide immense education, have helped millions of people to grow their knowledge of the world, and even grow their understanding of the importance of conservation. We could go just digital - but there is an absence of enjoyment in reading digital books for many readers, and when the digital world is so unpredictable due to collapses, it’s the written history that has lasted thousands of years. When you can protect forests and replant trees, there isn’t a necessity to remove physical books from society.

We can’t achieve our goals without you. Because of our dedication to forest conservation, our profits are even lower. But we aren’t here to get “rich,” we are here to enrich minds and replant our wild habitats and protect the wild habitats across our beautiful country before they are crippled beyond repair by greed and mass deforestation. Please join Quill Press and buy your books with our program. Not only can you get all of your favorite titles, you are part of a mission that is bigger than ourselves.

Join Quill Press in the Mission to Save Our Forests

Every year, a staggering number of trees — 125 million each year — are cut down to feed the ever-growing demand for paper products, including the creation of books. While books have always been the vessels of wisdom, knowledge, and imagination, nurturing countless minds to dream and create, the environmental cost of using virgin tree resources is both enormous and unsustainable.

Recognizing the urgent need to balance our love for books with the pressing imperative to protect our environment, we initiated a groundbreaking effort — Quill Press. Quill Press is not just a bookstore; it is a movement, a pledge, and a beacon of hope for our forests.

Our Commitment

For every book you purchase exclusively through Quill Press, we dedicate a portion of sales to safeguard a tree in an established forest to promote “old-forest” growth, or through our tree planting program. This contribution channels directly into decisive actions that defend our invaluable forest lands. By either acquiring forest lands to shield them from deforestation or sponsoring tree-planting programs all across the United States, we actively foster environments where trees can thrive, forests can regenerate, and biodiversity can flourish.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every book sold nurtures the very source that births it — our wild, majestic, and life-giving forests. In embracing this cycle of giving back, we foster a harmonious relationship between the literary world and our planet's lush green landscapes, ensuring that every page you turn reverberates with the spirit of conservation and sustainable practices.

Join the Movement

Join us in this revolutionary journey where every book you read contributes to a greener, healthier, and more sustainable planet. Let us craft not only incredible stories but also a future where our wild places remain unspoiled for generations to come.

Quill Press invites bibliophiles, environmental enthusiasts, and conscientious consumers alike to make a choice — a choice for books, for forests, for the future. By choosing Quill Press, you are not just buying a book; you are planting a seed of hope, nurturing a tree, and fostering a forest.

Your Next Chapter Begins with a Choice

The next chapter in our story can be one of recovery, regeneration, and rekindled harmony between humankind and nature. Embark on a literary journey that respects and celebrates our inherent connection to the earth, one book at a time.

Stand with Quill Press, where every book is a pledge for the wild.

Buy your next book with Quill Press and join us in a grand narrative of saving our forests, one tree at a time.


Our Mission Statement

In a world where the rustle of leaves competes with the turn of pages, Quill Press stands as a guardian of both the written word and the whispering woods. We are more than a bookstore; we are a refuge where the deep reverence for literature meets an unwavering commitment to forest and tree conservation.

At Quill Press, we believe that every book holds the breath of trees, embodying the rich tapestry of life that thrives in our planet’s forests. Every page you turn is a testament to the symbiotic relationship between the reader and the environment, a bond we are fervently dedicated to nurturing.

We champion a future where books nourish the mind while preserving the vital ecosystems that sustain us. Through conscientious entrepreneurship and the fervent belief in the nurturing power of nature, we have forged a sanctuary for readers and eco-warriors alike; a place where purchasing a book is not just a transaction, but a contribution to a larger movement, a vital pledge to uphold the sanctity of our environment.

Our mission is to foster a culture of reading that honors and replenishes the natural resources it uses, transforming the act of reading into a regenerative, sustaining, and deeply enriching practice.

Join us in turning a new leaf as we write a story of a brighter, greener future; where every book purchased is a pledge to save a tree, where every reader is a custodian of our forests, and where the joy of reading walks hand in hand with the vibrant pulse of life teeming in the world's forests.

At Quill Press, every book is a beginning, a new tree rooted in the earth, and a steadfast promise of growth, conservation, and reverence for the wild heart of our planet.

One Million Trees by 2030

Our robust tree planting program begins in the spring of 2030 - reaching all corners of the United States. We have a goal to plant 1 million trees by 2030, but we can’t do it without you. Every book you buy with Quill Press will contribute towards one tree planted or one tree saved. Our conservation approach is managed in two important ways.

ONE: We’re acquiring established forest habitats and purchasing them from logging companies and private land for sale. In order to promote old-growth, which is the most beneficial for our atmosphere, we are able to save established forest habitats. We can save the trees, care for the land, and keep the wildlife thriving by protecting it from deforestation.

TWO: Trees are a necessity to life, in thousands of different ways. Cutting them down is a necessity to maintain the lifestyles we enjoy - even when we live modestly. The truth of the matter is that we are never going to reach a point where we don’t cut trees down. That is inevitable to sustaining human life. So instead of standing by narratives that aren’t realistic, we appreciate the value and substance trees give us to live, but in turn, plant another in its place. Our goal is to plant 1,000,000 trees throughout our private conservation parks in the U.S. by 2030. You can shop Amazon or other big-box bookstores - but you can buy those same exact titles with Quill Press and know you are making a valuable impact on our planet. We can’t give up books and we can’t give up our trees, so lets get to enjoy both!